Best Japanese Restaurants in Fremont

Typically, if you don’t live in Japan, you might have difficulty finding a good Japanese restaurant in your area, depending on where you live. That said, I personally live in Fremont, within the San Francisco Bay area. If your ever around here, I know quite a few places locally where you can get some amazing Japanese food. In fact, there are several places here where you can find several different styles of Japanese food at that. You can get Hibachi, sushi, and even Ramen. Without further ado, lets get into a few places that are located here, as well as what they serve at their local location. The first place that located in Fremont is a sushi place called Kakuna. It’s located off Grimmer boulevard and they serve several different styles of sushi. These include sashimi, several different rolls, and others.

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Anime and Japanese Culture in America

In recent years, Japanese anime and Japanese culture has made its way into America and has taken over into its own form of pop culture. Years ago, it was uncool to be a nerd. That said, within the last handful of years, there has been a huge increase in the amount of people interested in nerd culture. Included in that culture is of course, both anime and manga. To an extent, it’s even pushed Japanese culture into the mainstream in America. It is much more common to hear that an individual likes or even religiously watches anime these days, compared to before. Furthermore, things like pop culture conventions and the increased use of social media have helped even more with this push of nerd culture coming into the mainstream. This is most notably seen through things like Instagram and Tiktok. Just scrolling through the for you page on Tiktok cannot be done anymore without seeing at least a couple posts about anime or someone trying out a new cosplay.

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Major Transportation in Japan

Have you ever wondered how people in Japan get around? Have you ever wondered how this compares to our major forms of transportation and public transportation? While most of us here in America drive cars and get around locally on buses, the Japanese have a whole other form of transportation that, for the everyday person, is even more popular. That’s said, over there they get around a lot by train. Surely, we have trains here to, however, our trains are quite different and not nearly as popular of a way of everyday transportation as in Japan. While we do have things like Bart here and some other trains, Japan has a major transportation system for trains. In fact, if you were to go on a trip and visit Japan, you would be advised to get a JR Rail Pass or some other kind of rail pass, as this is not only the most popular way to get around in japan, but also the most convenient.

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Japanese Media: Entertainment Excluding Anime Shows

Sure. On this blog, we’ve talked about both anime and manga. However, there are many other forms of Japanese media. There are TV shows, movies, video games, and much much more. I’m about to go through just a couple of the biggest Japanese shows and movies that don’t involve any forms of anime or animation at all. That said, there are a few franchises that are extremely popular in Japan and withing Japanese culture in general. That said, there are a couple franchises that stand out from all the rest. One of those franchises being the Godzilla Franchise and another being the extremely popular Ultraman.

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How Complex are Chopsticks

Chopsticks. We see them all the time. Anytime you walk into a Japanese restaurant, you’re given a pair of chopsticks.  The question is, do you know how to use them. The Japanese use chopsticks all the time and are no strangers to how they work. In fact, it’s been said that using them can help with portion control, further helping to regulate how much individuals eat in one sitting. However, for those in America, using them to begin with can be a real challenge. For me personally, I’ve never properly learned how to use chopsticks effectively.

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Anime Breaks Into America

Back in the 90’s it wasn’t easy to consume anime. Realistically, you could only consume anime in properly through one place if you lived in America. This place was Toonami. Toonami was Cartoon Network’s evening programming block that showed both anime and action shows.  Some of the anime shown on this block, could only be seen through this program. That said, Toonami really helped anime break into the mainstream, whereas before the late 90’s and the 2000’s, anime was for the most part, overlooked. Back in the late 90’s, Cartoon Network started an evening block of programming that highlighted the creation and showing of anime, as well as action shows. This simple block on cartoon Network gave anime more of a respect in America. Other programs at the time, which were only a couple, showed anime in a way that almost made a joke out of the specific style of animation. Tonami however was different. Toonami highlighted a sense of understanding within the style of anime and those who love it for the artform that it is.

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Basic Differences Between Japanese Culture and American Culture

Have you every wondered what kind of differences there are, regarding Japanese culture versus American culture? Some of the differences may be more obvious and some might not. Nevertheless, the differences prove remarkably interesting to look at. That said here are some differences between the two countries. Some you may already know and for some, you may have just now heard about. Let’s get into it. Continue reading

Manga Availability in the United states During Covid

Anyone who is an active collector of manga and wants to seriously read manga series here in the states has most likely struggled with the recent availability of manga books. With the Covid-19 pandemic upon us, it’s been incredibly heard to acquire certain products. Things like Toilet Paper, Hand Sanitizer, and even Lysol Spray have been increasingly hard to get, just to name a few. However, as I’ve said before, one thing that might be extremely hard to get, but not widely a concern for most people are manga graphic novels. Event more specifically, manga graphic novels that are printed as paperbacks. I am an avid fan, Reader, and collector of these amazing books, which has allowed me to jump right into a whole new world of Japanese media. On the other hand, with the pandemic, it has been hard to find and acquire these books, especially in mint condition. Continue reading

Today Marks 10 Years Since the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

Ten years ago, today, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami devastated the northeastern shore, measuring in at an astounding 9.0 magnitude. The earthquakes epicenter was near Sendai. This was the largest earthquake ever recorded to hit Japan and it triggered a devastating Tsunami that barreled over Tsunami barriers and through several homes in the area, rushing large amounts of debris inland. Waves from the Tsunami made their way to Hawaii and to Crescent city California. Continue reading

Anime and Manga Censorship in the United States

Anyone who is a big fan of anime knows that there are several differences between the anime that gets released in japan and the localized versions released in the states. That said, this is because of one crucial thing. Censorship. This is a common issue with anime, particularly those that are localized by companies like 4Kids Entertainment, as well as a few others. However, the localization of 4Kids anime is said to be some of the worst that exists, commonly butchering any anime, still in its original state. That’s said, here are some common accounts of horrible dubbing and censorship from handful of Japanese anime to their Americanized English dub counterparts. Continue reading