
Hello, my name is Jeremy Martin. I am currently a college student, in the process of earning my bachelor’s degree in journalism. I am 23 and in my junior year. I have always had a passion for writing and love the idea of telling stories, as well as the idea of reporting current events. That said, I’ve also always been intrigued to learn about other places in the world and other cultures, other than my own, here in America. Furthermore, I initially had a large interest in things like Manga and Anime. This initial interest quickly turned onto much more. Before I knew it, I found myself looking up different facts about Japan and just admiring the culture, as well how things are generally done in their society.

I was hooked. I had started wanting to potentially visit the country one day, immediately coming up with a list of places that I’d really love to visit, as well as researching where they are and the story behind the location. However, on top of being highly interested in Japanese culture overall, I’m also interested in certain sports, gaming, and also the study of ecology, particularly all things that have to do with insects. Generally, as I said before, I’ve always been interested to learn more about different countries, different cultures, and the overall world around me.

For this reason, I decided to start a site where I can learn even more about the cultures and places that I was interested about. With Japan being one of the countries and cultures that interest me the most, the idea quickly evolved into this website, a blog about Japanese culture and anime entirely. By creating this site, I hope to help further inform other people who might also want to learn about the culture, as well as the beautiful landscape and major tourist destinations, located in Japan. That said, I hope you enjoy browsing the site and that I can help you further learn more than you had ever imagined, from another person, also interested in the culture.