Major Manga Publishers

With the growing popularity of manga, there have been several different distributors, as well as publishers that have immerged, creating quality manga and continuing to publish some of the most beloved series out there. That being said, here is a brief overview of what is, in my humble opinion, some of the best manga publishers, both in Japan and America. Here you will find the publisher’s names, some of what they publish, and their overall contribution to the industry as a whole.

Shonen Jump

Manga Publisher

Picture By: Ed. Hyoe Narita/Amazon

Shonen Jump is an anime publisher who originally started publishing a weekly Manga magazine. They have gone onto publish many single volume manga series and has also spawned a number of sister magazines alongside the original. shonen Jump is the publisher for several beloved manga series including YU-Gi-OH! and the incredibly popular manga series Naruto. VIZ Media also publishes single volume Shonen Jump Manga series books in the states.

VIZ Media

Manga Publisher

Picture By: Joshua Mathieu/Toonami squad

VIZ Media is a manga publishing company. In fact, they are one of the oldest manga publishing companies around within the United States. The studio usually focuses on action packed manga series. These series include some of the most beloved manga out there, Including both Dragon Ball Z and Full Metal Alchemist. VIZ Media also publishes amrican versions of popular Shonen Jump manga series as well.

Dark Horse Manga

Manga Publisher

Picture By: Mike Richardson/Valliant Comics

Dark Horse is an american comic book company publishing several beloved comic book series. However, this america based comic book company just so happens to have a manga division as well. That said, Dark Horse publishes american versions of some of the best mangas there are. These series include Neon Genesis Evangelion and not to mention, the beloved series Oh My Goddess, which happens to be the oldest Manga series published in the United States.