Shonen Jump Manga

Here is a small overview of what is, in my humble oppinion, some of the best manga series produced by Shonen Jump, as well as the general plot behind each one. Each of these series are beloved franchises and are considered to be just a few of many staples in the world of not only manga, but anime as well.


Shonen Jump Manga

Picture By: Kazuki Takahashi/Amazon

The story of Yu-Gi-Oh! begind with a young boy named Yugi Mouto who loves games, but frequently gets bullied and picked on. However, after solving an ancient egyptian Puzzle, his body becomes the home of a mysterious ancient egyptian figure who has the disposition of a gambler. He then engages in games of darkness against anyone who does wrong to him or his friends, proving him to be the ultimate king of games and lateron in the series, going on to become a master at a game called Duel Monters.

Dragon Ball

Shonen Jump Manga

Picture By: Akira Toriyama/Amazon

Dragon Ball follows the adventures of Goku, a young sayan warrior raised on planet Earth. Under the guidence of a master, Goku learns advanced Mixed Martial Arts and uses his powers to win tournaments and defeat foes. Throughout the series, Goku persues his destiny to become the stongest in the cosmos.


Shonen Jump Manga

Picture By: Masashi Kishimoto/Amazon

Naruto is a manga series about a young pre-teen boy who is struggling to become a ninja, as well as earn respect from his peers. His biggest dream is to become the hokage. In other words, he wants to be the leader of his village. The rest of the story consists of Naruto’s advetures of being a struggling ninja along the way and trying to live out that evrlasting dream of becoming the next hokage. Later entries in the story unclude a spin-off called Boruto, where the reader gets to see the evolution of Narutos son and his own ninja team.